Essential IP Package

Protection in all of the major economies where brand abuse is likely.

The Essential IP Package provides protection in all of the major economies where brand abuse is possible.

The Essential Protection Package costs $7877.70kr38271€5146.30£4498.20$8933.00kr55610$4845.00R90534.00 .

aFees reduced (on a pro-rata scale) if the order is reduced in size. This will happen if it is impossible or not practical to register the domain. Typically this is due to, the domain not being available, to already being registered, reserved by the registry, an obvious trade mark infringement etc.
Completion of a Protection package order significantly reduces your chances of experiencing name abuse but it does not guarantee it.

bA local presence may be required, in these cases a trustee will be appointed for you at no extra cost.

Contact us for more details about details.

105 extensions including ...

.ae (United Arab Emirates),.xn--mgbaam7a8h (xn--mgbaam7a8h),.al (Albania),.ar (ar), (Argentina),.asia (Asia),.at (Austria), (Austria), (Australia),.ba (Bosnian), (,.be (Belgium),.biz (Global ), (Brazil),.by (Belarus),.ca (Canada),.ch (Switzerland),.cl (Chile),.cm (Cameroon),.cn (China), (China), (China),.co (Colombia),.com (Global ), (,.cr (Costa Rica), (Costa Rica),.cz (Czech Republic),.de (Germany), (,.dk (Denmark),.ee (Estonia),.es (Spain), (Spain),.eu (European Union),.fi (Finland),.fr (France),.gr (Greece), (Greece),.hk (Hong Kong),.hr (Croatia),.hu (Hungary),.ie (Ireland), (Israel),.in (India), (, (India), (, (, (India),.info (Global ),.is (Iceland),.it (Italy),.je (Jersey), (Jersey),.jp (Japan),.kr (South Korea), (South Korea),.lt (Lithuania),.lu (Luxembourg),.lv (Latvia), (Latvia),.me (Montenegro),.mk (Macedonia),.mobi (Global), (Malta),.mx (Mexico), (Mexico),.net (Global ),.ng (Nigeria), (Nigeria),.nl (Netherlands),.no (Norway),.nz (nz), (New Zealand), (New Zealand),.org (Global),.pe (Peru), (Peru),.pk (Pakistan),.pl (Poland), (Poland),.pt (Portugal), (Portugal),.ro (Romania),.rs (Serbia),.ru (Russia),.xn--p1ai (xn--p1ai),.se (Sweden),.sg (Singapore), (Singapore),.si (Slovenia),.tel (Telnic),.tv (Tuvalu),.tw (Taiwan), (Taiwan), (Ukraine),.uk (uk), (United Kingdom), (United Kingdom),.us (USA), (Venezuela), (Venezuela),.vn (Vietnam), (South Africa),

Abuse Check.

How safe is your name?